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S$P012 How to use the New Moon Energy to Heal the Traumatized Child Within New Moon Money Reading 4.5.19

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. While I think this is something that needs to addressed every month, I appreciate that there is more of a widespread campaign to bring awareness to this issue.

The National Associaton of Adult Survivors, NAASCA, is committed to helping stop ALL kinds of child abuse, including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional trauma, and neglect.

NAASCA reports that 60% of American children are exposed to violence, crime, or abuse in their homes, schools, and communities. Almost 40% of American children are direct victims of 2 or more violent acts, and 1 in 10 are victims of violence 5 or more times.

NAASCA also reports that between 40 and 50 million adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse in America.

This month’s New Moon Money Reading is dedicated to how can we use the New Moon energy to heal that traumatized child within, so we can open up to receiving the fits that we get to receive. Including the financial abundance, we deserve to receive.


For more information on the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse and the Blue Ribbon Campain visit

Accounting Money Goddess from the MIND perspective – Goddess Card #13

Chakra-Body Trigger Map

What blocks are we holding in our body?

Beth Ann McMerrick

Hi, I’m Beth Ann

I’ve been an Accountant for over 25+ years and on my spiritual healing and study for many more.

I specialize in combining strong business practices and spirituality to create and build solid financial foundations in business and life.

BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY! Schedule your free consultation today.