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S$P013 How to UpLevel Your Life and Business New Moon Money Reading 5.4.19




How to break through the glass ceiling and our financial barriers. As we grow, learn, and expand we sometimes get to a point where we restrict the possibilities of what we can do in the world.

This New Moon Money reading guilds to the truth of what our Divine Mother and Divine Father want for Us. Connecting to our Higher Truth of Who We are as an Individual.

How to Live a much free-er more purposeful life.  A happy life. A joyful life. An impactful life. Serving ourselves, serving others, and serving humanity.

Realy making a difference.

What do you really want?

What would receiving more money in your life mean?

How do you want to make an impact?


Beth Ann McMerrick

Hi, I’m Beth Ann

I’ve been an Accountant for over 25+ years and on my spiritual healing and study for many more.

I specialize in combining strong business practices and spirituality to create and build solid financial foundations in business and life.

BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY! Schedule your free consultation today.