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Fear is an emotion we all know very well. It is the emotion that can sometimes run rampant in our minds and cause us to do all sorts of crazy things. Although we might have done tons of work on releasing fear WHY DO WE STAY IN IT?
It drives me crazy! Personally, I have been working on releasing fear for so many years. Yet I find myself right back into it almost every day.
It sometimes isn’t even rational fear. Fear comes over big things and little things. Living in fear has become more of a comfortable, yet painful, coat to wear and I am ready to take it off!

Join me and the Divine Money Goddesses in the discovery of our most needed actions to shift our lives into more energy, love, and joy. Which then attracts abundance and Divine Manifestation.
Divine Money Goddess Cards

Goddess Card 44 – The Divine Ego – The Divine Higher God and Goddess Self Relationship
Channeled Message – The Divine Ego. The Heart Self – Self Actualization. You are a Divine Blessing to the world. It is not always easy to see. Trust that there is always someone looking to you for comfort and strength in a way that is a blessing to their life. Let your 3rd Eye see the Spark of God that you are. See yourself as that spark. That light is our belief, and our belief will make it so. Free yourself from the bondage of predictability and control.
Goddess Card 27 – Prosperity Money Goddess – Spirit Relationship
Channeled Message – Meditation, Investing my time in me. AKA: Walking in Nature. Meditation and Education. Nurture my relationship with myself. Invest my time in my Mind, Body (Walk, Food), Spirit, and Wallet. The pain of the past is part of our contracted experiences to wake us up and bring us to a deep understanding of who we are and what we want to learn.
Learn to overcome challenges. Our Life journey, pain and all, truly supports us in our evolution as a light being. Our voice can not be silenced unless we ourselves silence it.
Not seeing the damage of isolation, of not asking for help from either from our guides, angels, or friends and family.
Meditation is only a practice of silence and going inward. Focus on you, your dreams, your goals.
What pain wants to be released?
Goddess Card 14 – Financial Freedom Money Goddess – Mind Relationship
Channeled Message – Listen to yourself. You Know. Perspective and Belief in Your Own Voice
I know that I know. I have my own answers. Stop stopping yourself from expressing yourself. Trust yourself and your feelings. As you believe, you create. New Actions for New Results. You have your own answers. Connect to a pain that is ready to be released. Release the emotional toxins and take action on your new perspectives and insights.

Take some time for yourself and invest in your relationship with yourself.
Allowing yourself to receive good things.
You are perfect and precious.
Thank you for joining me. Let me know your thoughts.
Many Blessings
Divinely Yours,
Beth Ann
Goddess Card Bundle – Money Reading Session with Beth Ann and a set of Divine Money Goddess Cards – Includes shipping.
Individuals hire me to gently guide them to heal their relationship with money to bring about an amazing financial reality full of love and joy.