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S$P008 Full Moon Money Reading 12.22.18

Channeled Message

Money thrives with attention. Create money in Love and Gratitude!

Track the money and make a plan for it. Set the course for your cash flow. Not a budget rather a Financial Vision Board.

Knowing = Creation and Manifestation

Release the money drama. It’s not a blanket of comfort but a shield from light and love.


Divine Money Goddess Card

Accounting Money Goddess Wallet

The full moon energy assists you in manifestation. From this reading what we are being inspired to focus on is our relationship with our Wallet.

What have you been avoiding? How do you want your money to work for you? What is that you want to accomplish financially in 2019?










Beth Ann McMerrick

Hi, I’m Beth Ann

I’ve been an Accountant for over 25+ years and on my spiritual healing and study for many more.

I specialize in combining strong business practices and spirituality to create and build solid financial foundations in business and life.

BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY! Schedule your free consultation today.