Coming 2025
"Nice Girls Don’t Get Paid"
Unveil Your Inner Money Goddess & Realize Your Divine Feminine Value
Rediscover the value of being a woman and realize that your voice and ideas are desperately needed worldwide. Recognize your feminine financial wisdom, build a business in the sacred energy of the goddess within, and live the life you’ve always wanted. It’s time to stop playing nice and create your own rules, dress code, and dynamic empire — with graceful power, purpose, and divine profit.

If you pre-order the book now,
you’ll also receive:
- 888 Abundance Activation Audio Meditation
- Special Abundance Crystal — Amplifying Quartz Crystal infused and activated with 888 energy on the shores of Hawaii
- Mini One-Card Reading — channeled money message and Goddess card mailed to you directly.
- Special pricing on the Money Goddess Oracle Card Set
Learn More About the Book:

Heal Your Feminine Financial Wounds
You have been trained and programmed to always look outside yourself for your answers and validation.
You have been measured and judged as good or bad, right or wrong, and worthy or unworthy for most of your life.
This generational programming and other toxic feminine ideologies are what have disconnected you from yourself and your divine power.
You may have gotten the messenger to stay hidden, play small, question your every move, and put others’ needs first. This leaves you exhausted and full of fear, frustration, and resentment.
Welcome to your journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and divine financial attunement.
In the pages of Nice Girls Don’t Get Paid, you can give yourself the gift of self-confidence and money-block healing.
You have the voice that is needed more now than ever. It is time to share your story, ideas, and vision for a better world.
Coming 2025
"Nice Girls Don’t Get Paid"
8 Core Mindsets to Unveil Your Inner Money Goddess
Rediscover the value of being a woman and realize that your voice and ideas are desperately needed in the world.
Recognize your feminine financial wisdom, build a business in the sacred energy of the goddess within, and live the life you’ve always wanted.
It’s time to stop playing nice and create your own rules, dress code, and dynamic empire — with graceful power, purpose, and divine profit. DER YOUR COPY TODAY!

Get The Nice Girls Don’t Get Paid Journal -
Coming Soon
Complement reading Nice Girls Don’t Get Paid with the Journaling Workbook, designed to support your money-healing journey, increase self-confidence, and recognize your feminine financial wisdom.