S$P025 How to Stop Disempowering Yourself

Stepping into a new field of energy comes with its roadblocks. We all know them. The blocks that stop us from creating the dreams we have for ourselves and our business. I have been studying Feminine Power and wanted to … Continue reading

S$P024 How to move into the New Year with Confidence and Trust

The most unprecedented year, 2020 behind us, for many, it knocked us to the curb. If anything, it has rocked our confidence the most. The confidence in our government, in our health system, and in our businesses and economy. Now … Continue reading

S$P023 Manifest a Full and Vibrant Relationship with Money

Our relationship with money is the emotional resonance we have with money. How we respond to money situations is fully dependent on how we feel and what we believe about money. Our feelings and beliefs elicit an emotional response thereby … Continue reading

S$P022 Why do I take myself for granted? How do I reclaim my value?

Grab your money journal so you can take notes for yourself on where you can do some deeper inner work. Listen to this New Moon Money Reading and get some ideas about areas of your life that are ready to … Continue reading

S$P021 What makes me stay in fear & How to get out of it?

Fear is an emotion we all know very well. It is the emotion that can sometimes run rampant in our minds and cause us to do all sorts of crazy things. Although we might have done tons of work on … Continue reading